Monday, November 24, 2008

Day 7...

Well, after one week of Wii Fit, there sure have been a lot of ups and downs-literally! I can't even tell you how much step aerobics I did but evidently it didn't help all that much.

I shouldn't be negative, any results I didn't like I brought on myself, anyway. My lowest weight during the week was 201.9 lbs, with a BMI of 33.65. That was a pretty decent drop in weight. However the night of that weigh in, I took my boyfriend out to eat and that brought me WAY up again. :(. Well anyway, I did say I would measure myself if I gained weight but lost size. I didn't do that, but the fact that my pants are falling off at least tells me that, and I am HAPPY!

I also did not stick to what I said I was going to do(tisk tisk). I didn't work out Friday hardly at all, and I didn't do yoga Saturday and Sunday. I ALSO decided to eat emotionally, and bought a carrot cake to fix my problems. Yeah, it didn't fix much at all.

Seeing how well my results came out to be on Wednesday after 2 days of working out really hard and eating well, I will definitely try to stick to my plan that has seemed to work. Here is my chart for this week.

BMI- 34.12
Weight- 204.8 lbs.
Wii Fit Age- 30 (They gave me a new test, it was crap, my average has been 20 which is -1 year than I really am)
Total Hrs.- 3 hr. 25 min.

Thoughts so far? If you actually do what you say you're going to do, it seems that Wii Fit works.

Monday, November 17, 2008

So, it's day one

I have yet to figure out which is harder: seeing if Wii Fit really works, or getting over the cynicism of working out with the TV. The medium makes it hard for me to get overly enthusiastic about this but, I do have to say, I'm looking forward to it. First and foremost, I was interested by the Wii for a couple of reasons. One, I am overweight, and going to the gym for everyone to see my fat ass, does not thrill me. Secondly, with the bad economy, an extra $50 or more a month for a gym membership isn't going to happen, especially when I usually only show up about five times for that month. And thirdly, if that's a word, the idea of going out and jogging for everyone to see the rolls bounce around isn't my idea of fun, which goes along with reason number one, except this time it's the general public.

Like most other people who are overweight, I have tried so many things. I have done the extreme, ridiculous and otherwise, to kick off the pounds. But, whatever sounds too good to be true usually is, and all the ridiculous ways to lose weight just didn't work. Seriously, when you're fat, and you don't like it, you'll try anything. So once Wii Fit came out, I wanted to try it because I knew I felt my best when I was working out all the time, even when I wasn't dropping weight quickly. I didn't eat as much, I woke up without a problem, I could fall asleep without a problem, and the list goes on.

So enough of this lame sales pitch, this is where I will record my results, good or bad and hopefully start making a change. I will report at least weekly, if not a couple times a week.

Aside from the actual Wii Fit, I've decided to make some minor adjustments to my eating habits. I've found the drastic ones right at the beginning make things seriously worse so, I'm going to take my time with eliminating things from my diet all together. The first thing I have done is eliminated all processed foods from my diet. Yep, that's right-I'm going all ORGANIC. From sugar, to cereal, to meat, everything is organic. I will also be consuming foods, beverages, and possibly supplements containing Acai berry. This has so far proven in my world, to help with hunger control, and I kinda like it considering it tastes effing wonderful.

My first goal is to lose 20 lbs. in 2 months. This seems like a lot, but research shows you lose the most weight in the beginning of any diet/exercise regimen. I will create small short term goals after the first 20.

My plan of action? Well, the four categories of Wii Fit exercises are Strength Training, Aerobics, Yoga, and Balance. I will switch between aerobics and strength training Monday-Friday, always beginning with balance exercises. Saturday and Sunday, I will just do Yoga.

Here are my REAL stats:
Age- 21
Sex- Female
Height- 5'5
Weight- 205 lbs.

Here are my first Wii stats:
Wii Age- 22
BMI- 34

Starting next Monday, I will just combine the weight under my Wii stats, but I wanted everyone to have a good idea of what the starting point is, and the kind of person doing it. I may also start to measure myself, incase I gain weight, but lose size, so people don't get put off by that. (It happens more often with women then men).

Well, here goes nothin'!